Thursday, January 22, 2009

Half Birthday

I've never really celebrated my half birthday before, but my roommate is really into it, and we found out that mine is Saturday the 24th! It really is fun for me because since my birthday is in the middle of summer I wasn't around my school friends. Don't get me wrong, summer birthdays are the greatest because you don't have school/work commitments.

I think I'll make a half birthday cake as my friends sing the phrase, "Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you.", watch half a movie, and anything else I can think of doing half way.

Also, Happy 1/2 Birthday to my niece, Kailani this week!


sheila said...

so I would congratulate you like this:


make sure you only eat half a cake too. then eat the other half the next day.

Ashton & Nikell Dodge said...

hi anna! nice blog! happy half birthday. i guess that means mine was on wednesday. summer birthdays rock.

About Me

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I have graduated from BYU. I majored in Visual Arts- Graphic Design, and minored in Business Management. I am currently working for a company doing design work for them, but I am still freelance so let me know if you are in need. I love to play, bake, and spend time with my family and friends.