Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rhetorical Analysis- PSYCH!

Hooray! While the blog posts for my English class were a fun approach to a weekly sort of assignment, I'm glad to be done with them. What I hope it's done for me is first- helped me better analyze what I'm exposed to, and gauge how persuasive something is. Maybe the skill will help me make some important choices later on. Reason two, is I hope this weekly assigned blogging has helped form a habit to post things on this blog more often. It's like scripture study and prayer. Seminary and institute which part of my grade came from how often I studied my scriptures or made a journal entry after reading them. It's a case where the assignment helped form something
into a habit by choice.

Now I'll be blogging more on my 'vantage'. So....more to come but right now I've got to focus on finishing the semester strong. There are only a few days left so instead of searching picture to share, or a funny/interesting story, I'll leave you with a parting shot.

This is a particular image I keep in my scriptures. It's a special reminder for me. My goals are within reach, I've just got to finish.

And I know I can!

Credits:New Era Poster,” New Era, Sept. 2005, 19 Text reads: Finish
Your goals are within reach if you stay on track and endure to the end. (See
2 Tim. 4:7; Heb. 12:1–2.)

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About Me

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I have graduated from BYU. I majored in Visual Arts- Graphic Design, and minored in Business Management. I am currently working for a company doing design work for them, but I am still freelance so let me know if you are in need. I love to play, bake, and spend time with my family and friends.