Saturday, June 6, 2009

Arbitrary Images- mmmmm mochi

I'm currently taking a class for my major which is called Packaging Design. Normally, most of the BYU art classes are 3 hrs. long twice a week (during Fall and Winter semesters). But since it's spring, the load practically doubles and yes, I know it's hard to believe, but my design class is from 12:00 to 5:50 Tues. + Thurs. Since it's so long, we've got to take breaks, eat food, etc. so we created a sign up to take turns and bring food to class. Another classmate and I were to bring food last Thursday.

I brought a whole pallate of fresh strawberries and an entire pan of pink coconut mochi.

The other kid brought more strawberries, sliced sourdough baguettes, Jones soda, and a tray of shrimp cocktail. Well, we certainly had a lot of strawberries to eat that day, and I was pleased that many of my classmates have tried AND liked mochi. There was only a little left which I snatched away to have a snack for work later that night.

This is all that was left

I think everyone in that class tried at least a little mochi and a few wanted the (lazy Hawaiian) recipe. It's good to share cultures and tastes, and what better to do that than through others' stomachs. It made me happy, we ate well, and I'm still snacking on the remnants of the strawberries!

1 comment:

sheila said...


I made mochi for a relief society activity a few weeks ago and some people were like,
"what is that?" I guess they had never even heard the word mochi before. Some people liked it others, not so much.
One lady said, wow, this is like a soft asian delicacy. I love it. hahahaha
Oh, and I need to give you the microwaveable recipe still... you can even put strawberries inside of it. mmmm

About Me

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I have graduated from BYU. I majored in Visual Arts- Graphic Design, and minored in Business Management. I am currently working for a company doing design work for them, but I am still freelance so let me know if you are in need. I love to play, bake, and spend time with my family and friends.